Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

serves 1 cooks in 2 minutes difficulty one

When I grew up in the USA peanut butter was added to nearly every meal I ate. With Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches making up the majority of my diet! Whether I was at home or eating out, in Los Angeles PB&J was always an option. Changing my diet so drastically and embracing whole foods as opposed to the processed foods I’d come to love, I was never quite sure if Peanut Butter could still be on the menu? The answer is yes, and no. Yes if the Peanut Butter is free from sugars, any excess palm oil, any bizarre additives, and any word you don’t think your grandma would have heard of. No, if it is all or any of the things above! It is so important to make sure it is completely natural – don’t worry this generally doesn’t mean its more expensive, it’s just good for you and actually tastier!

Peanuts the only necessary ingredient to make peanut butter have incredible health benefits, they’re heart-healthy, protein-rich and full of skin-loving omegas. They’re wonderful sources of Vitamin E, Niacin, folate and magnese and contain resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant.

I’ve made this Peanut Butter smoothie for you all to be able to enjoy the benefits of Peanut Butter, and an amazingly simple recipe to get the most out of what is potentially a powerhouse of an ingredient.


The Ingredients

1 banana (preferably frozen)

1 heaped tablespoon Peanut Butter

2 Medjool dates

1 scoop brown rice protein powder

1 cup rice/almond/oat milk


Simply add all ingredients to the blender and (you guessed it) blend!

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