Spaghetti & Bean Balls

Spaghetti & Bean Balls

serves 2 cooks in 40 minutes difficulty two

Happy New Year lovely readers! Before I get cracking into my first recipe of 2016 I want to say a BIG thank you to all of you, old or new to my blog, you have been a part of an incredible year. Its been such a crazy 2015 full of so much excitement, stress, achievements, adventures and so many new experiences, that I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to share with all of you. My Naturally Sassy cook book was released, my snack range went into stores nationwide (and is now in the process of a re-launch!) and I moved across the pond to Chicago to train with The Joffrey! Thank you all so much for being there through the highs and lows, and supporting all my ventures. Looking back on this year is pretty mad honestly, and I have so so much to be grateful for. I also have a lot to look forward too…It’s going to be a very exciting year for Naturally Sassy, with so much in the pipeline I can’t wait to share! So here is to a wonderful new year, and 1,000 more delicious meals!

Anyways, on to the recipe! I was the fussiest eater growing up, leaving my mum to have an incredibly small repertoire of meals I was willing to eat. Amongst my favourite fish fingers, chicken nuggets and smiley face potatoes I also enjoyed pasta dishes; Bolognese and spaghetti meat balls being my favourite! When you grow up loving hearty, carby, meaty dishes it’s only natural that as soon as you crave comfort food you get nostalgic. I thought I’d share a healthy version of my old favourite comfort food, so all of us can indulge in the flavours we love without breaking the new years resolutions! This Spaghetti & Meatballs has quite a twist – the meatballs are obviously meat-less and made with black beans. The spaghetti is gluten free, and made from brown rice so a much healthier option. A fun meal to make, and a delicious one to enjoy.



The Ingredients

2 servings of gluten free brown rice spaghetti

Mariana sauce:

1 tin chopped tomatoes

2 tablespoons minced oregano

4 tabslespoons minced basil

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 Red onion, minced

A handful of coriander, minced

Black bean balls:

1 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 cup brown rice flour

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon coriander

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 garlic clove, finely minced


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Start by making the black bean balls. Put the drained black beans in a food processor and process until smooth, add in the flour and seasonings and process again. With your hands form them into balls. Heat up a saucepan with a drizzle of olive/coconut oil and cook the black bean balls for roughly 4 minutes, flipping them as you go so all sides crisp. Put them on a tray and bake for a further 10 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce by adding all ingredients to a saucepan and simmering until the onions are well cooked.

Prepare the pasta as the brand directs.

To compile: Toss the pasta in the marinara sauce and top with the black bean balls.


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