Something which is not exactly our forte, here at Naturally Sassy, is feeding little bubbas healthily. We know how to feed ourselves, but aren’t so sure how all the amazing Mummies out there manage to to feed their little ones (we know it’s difficult). So we asked my older sister, Sadie (biggest inspiration, and one of the healthiest mamas I know!) to do it for us. And so without further ado, get your blenders at the ready and enjoy!
I’m Sadie. Sassy’s (older and wiser) sister. I have recently had a son, Max, who is the world’s most fussy eater. Add to that a side of reflux and a super sensitive gag reflex and it is almost impossible to get anything into him let alone get him to keep anything down. It has been 11 months in the making and although we are not out of the woods yet, and there is still much progress on both sides to be made, little by little Max is getting easier to feed and starting to enjoy his food a bit more.
I scoured the Internet trying to find recipes that would help a babe like mine, with issues like these, and found very little, which is why I wanted to share with you a few of our favourite puree combinations that even Max seems to now gulp down with glee. Max still has a problem with lumpy food, which at 11 months is quite old! But I really believe that each baby will progress onto the bigger, chunkier food in their own time. So all these are simple, super smooth purées that are not challenging to eat and so you don’t need to feel anxious that your baby is going to chuck them up or choke on them, and yet are super nourishing so that you can be sure that your little one will be getting some added minerals and vitamins. They will likely suck them off the spoon little by little (sometimes infuriatingly slowly… so slowly that you are sure that they have eaten nothing at all) so try to make sure the consistency is the same to avoid any lumpy surprises that they will not thank you for. I use a Vitamix to blend all of my purées, but any blender would be great.
2 tbsp Coyo
½ Avocado
1 Banana
Water (or milk) to blend
1 Sweet Potato
2 Carrots
1 small Potato
1 cup Butternut Squash
a squeeze of Orange (or lemon)
Water to blend
1 cup Spinach
1 medium Potato
½ cup cooked (well) Chicken
Water to blend
½ cup Salmon
1 Sweet Potato
Squeeze of Lemon
1 Red Pepper
Water to blend
½ cup Cannellini Beans
2 Carrots
1 Potato
1 cup Spinach
1 Courgette
Water to blend
See more daily health inspiration on Sadie’s Health and Wellbeing Magazine/Activewear Store, ‘Hip and Healthy’ here.