Mexican food is my favourite cuisine; If you asked me what two indulgences I’d want on a dessert island, I would instantly say a Pina Colada and a vat of guacamole and nachos! I love this cuisine for the spices, rich flavours and generous use of avocado everywhere! I also love it for all the wonderful memories it reminds me of. I visited Mexico around 7 years ago, and fell in love with the country’s vibrancy – the food entirely reflects this. I have so many wonderful memories from that trip, and eating Mexican food makes me incredibly nostalgic for that serene time I spent with my family.
Additionally I can’t walk past a great looking Mexican restaurant without noting it down to go with my boyfriend. We joke that our relationship’s foundation is based on our mutual love of chips and salsa. It’s something we eat far too much of when we’re together! The great thing about this cuisine in particular is how adaptable it is for different diets. I don’t eat meat or dairy and try to stay away from gluten – and with Mexican food this is normally really easy. Corn fajitas with a mushroom filling, big Mexican quinoa salads… I’m always surprised by how much there is for me to enjoy.
I thought this week over on my Instagram I would share a selection of recipes for Mexican meals made healthy! Here’s the roundup of them all. The perfect dishes to cook for your next fiesta!
Raw Chili & Lime Chocolate Ganache Cake:
Tacos with Cauli-Lime Rice:
Mexican Black Bean and Guac Burger:
Squash and Mushroom Enchiladas:
Mini Gorditas with a Fresh Peach Salsa: