After the winter chill, which seems to have lasted forever, my lips are feeling a little worse for wear, which is why I thought a lip scrub was the perfect next recipe for my DIY beauty section. This coconut sugar & cinnamon lip scrub has amazing effects on your lips making them fuller, hydrated and smoother. I literally swear by it at the moment! The coconut oil acts as the hydrator, ridding of chapped lips and helping to moisten the pours. The cinnamon is the naturally plumping agent making your lips far fuller, which is amazing (why have Botox when you can use cinnamon?!). Then finally the coconut sugar exfoliates the lips, and adds a pretty amazing flavour to the mix too.
I’m not gonna lie, like any lip scrub it’s not particularly attractive to keep on but it has wonderful benefits and tastes delicious too!
The Ingredients
2 tbsp Coconut Sugar
2 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Cinnamon
1 tbsp Raw Honey (If totally vegan, substitute with another liquid for volume)
Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl until completely combined. Use around a quarter of a teaspoon, and gently rub on circular motions on your lips and any area around your lips that are a little rough or sore. Rinse with warm water, moisturise with a little lip balm or a little coconut oil.
You can store this in an air tight container and in the fridge.